Landscapes speak to the soul, whether it’s the mountains or the sea.

My landscapes are inspired by places I have been or places I long to be transported to. Sometimes people ask me: Is this landscape in South Africa or the Netherlands? You decide where you want to be taken.

That’s the beauty of nature’s colours and textures—they remind you o'f a place or a moment, whether joyful or sometimes melancholic. Some of my landscapes are inspired by South African poetry. I can bring together my memories and the poems, creating something new that resonates with my soul.

I want people to be able to sit and daydream when they look at my art.

The ocean always reminds us of impermanence and transformation. In my latest series, I embrace the unpredictability of the creative process—I let the paint flow, blend, and spread in ways that mirror the shifting tides. Each layer reveals a moment of calm or chaos, much like the ever-changing moods of the sea.

With this collection, I hope to build a bridge between two coastlines—not just geographically, but emotionally—creating a space where viewers can find familiarity in the unknown and stillness within movement.

After all, the sea does not belong to one place. It carries the stories of distant shores and reflects the skies, no matter where we stand.

Wanderer's rest

€ 165,00

Wanderer's rest

€ 165,00

Artwork: 30x 30cm frame 50x50cm

The wind remembers

€ 165,00

The wind remembers

€ 165,00

Artwork: 30x30cm frame: 50x50cm



Artwork: 30x30cm frame: 50x50cm

Artwork: 20x20cm frame: 40x40cm

Lost in blue

€ 125,00

Lost in blue

€ 125,00

Artwork: 20x20cm frame: 40x40cm

Willow's gaze

€ 125,00

Willow's gaze

€ 125,00

Artwork 20x20 cm frame: 40x40cm

Silent currents

€ 125,00

Silent currents

€ 125,00

Artwork: 20x20cm

Frame 40x40cm

Silent currents #2

€ 125,00

Silent currents #2

€ 125,00

Artwork: 20x20cm

Frame: 40x40cm

Stories untold

€ 125,00

Stories untold

€ 125,00

Artwork: 20x20cm

Frame: 40x40cm

A shoreline unseen #1

€ 125,00

A shoreline unseen #1

€ 125,00

20% off if you buy more than one.

Use this code at checkout: SHORELINE20

A shoreline unseen #2

€ 125,00

A shoreline unseen #2

€ 125,00

20% off if you buy more than one.

Use this code at checkout: SHORELINE20

A shoreline unseen #3

€ 125,00

A shoreline unseen #3

€ 125,00

20% off if you buy more than one.

Use this code at checkout: SHORELINE20

A shoreline unseen #4

€ 125,00

A shoreline unseen #4

€ 125,00

20% off if you buy more than one.

Use this code at checkout: SHORELINE20

A shoreline unseen #5

€ 125,00

A shoreline unseen #5

€ 125,00

20% off if you buy more than one.

Use this code at checkout: SHORELINE20

A shoreline unseen #6

€ 125,00

A shoreline unseen #6

€ 125,00

20% off if you buy more than one.

Use this code at checkout: SHORELINE20

Acrylic paint on 400gsm paper

Acrylic paint on 400gsm paper

Acrylic paint on 400gsm paper


Embracing unpredictability #2

€ 575,00

Embracing unpredictability #2

€ 575,00

Unfolding Future

€ 165,00

Unfolding Future

€ 165,00

I painted this at the end of the year. I love the ending of something because it means the beginning of something else. It’s an opportunity to dream, to change, to… you fill in the rest.

In die Hoëveld (poem in Afrikaans)

Gebasseer op die gedig geskryf deur Toon van den Heever. 

In die Hoëveld, waar dit oop is en die hemel wyd daarbo, 

Waar ‘n mens nog vry kan asemhaal en aan ‘n God kan glo, 

In die Hoëveld, waar dit wyd is, waar jy baie ver kan sien, 

(die ylblou bring ‘n knop dan in jou keel),

Dan sweef ek na die Hoëveld op die wind

Stilbaai is een plaats in de Wes Kaap die heel speciaal is voor mij en mijn familie. Iedere zomer vakantie reden wij 1370 km van Pretoria naar Stilbaai. Op een dag heeft mijn moeder besloten om nooit meer terug naar Pretoria te gaan. Zij is daar gebleven en heeft bijna 20 jaar ook daar gewoond, nadat ze onlangs naar een andere dorp in de prachtige bergen is verhuisd. Stilbaai houd nog zo veel herinneringen en onlangs heb ik een lied in het Zuid-Afrikaans van Stef Bos over Stilbaai gehoord. Zijn woorden passen perfect bij deze schilderij. 

My kop is in Stilbaai
My hart in die Kaap
Ek staan op die grens
Van die dag en die nag
En my kop weet nie meer wat 
Om te doen met my hart


€ 365,00


€ 365,00

Gebasseer op 'n gedig deur Zahn de Bruyn:


ons wêreld is groen skoolborde

waarop wit kryt stukkies raak

die skrif aan die muur

word tussen ons breinvoue ingegraveer


ons wêreld is groen skoolgrond

wat in vierkante meters 

deur ons rinkinkdae strek

elke dag kleur ons hom in 


ons wêreld is groen vakuole


Dis al

€ 490,00

Dis al

€ 490,00

Dis die blond,

dis die blou:

dis die veld, 

dis die lug

  • ‘n gedeelte uit die gedig “dis al” deur Jan FE Celliers (1865-1940)